Survival Strategy #20 – Mental Bandwidth

Bandwidth is defined as the energy or mental capacity required to deal with a situation. I was introduced to the concept of mental bandwidth a few years ago, and the simple analogy made a lot of sense and stuck with me. Although this concept has a lot of other names under which it is known, to me this particular term is very descriptive in the way that underlines both our limit and our capability to overcome this limit.

Like any physical muscle that requires a lot of exercise and proper nutrition to function at its best, our mental capacity or bandwidth requires as much, if not more, careful maintenance. Humans can be capable of incredible feats, but not without the proper groundwork or exercise beforehand.

However, an important idea to remember is that muscle growth and improved overall health benefits of the workout can’t be transferred from one person to another – everyone needs to put in the work for themselves. And just like with any good exercise regimen, it’s very important to take care of yourself and slowly increase your mental capability. You can and will be able to be where you want to be! Just not instantly.

mental capacity

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