Survival Strategy #15 – 3 Easy Opportunities for Personal Growth

As independent, functional human beings, we are responsible for achieving certain personal growth levels in order to survive more effectively. There are a number of ways to accomplish this task, and each method has it’s own unique benefits. So far I’ve come across 3 pretty straightforward ways that help me gain a broader perspective on the world and grow in many ways. Please note these are purely for personal development, not so much for professional or other types of survival methods.

1. Volunteering

This is a great way to help out the completions of some big picture in a small way, whether it’s helping register runners at a 10k, or cleaning up a park, or sorting through food bank donations. You will gain insight into your own interests, preferences, as well as pet peeves, all while doing something that is beneficial in to some greater purpose.

2. Learning Various World/History Facts

Those who do not know history are bound to repeat it – and those who do tend to be more interesting and thoughtful people. These facts and knowledge are to be used like salt though – sparingly for fantastic and poignant effect, because if there’s too much, it’ll be counterproductive and you may be avoided.

3. Keeping Up-To-Date on Pop Culture

Arguably the most fun and easy opportunity, this one is almost automatic since we are exposed to pop culture from multiple sources on an everyday basis. It provides a common ground and a springboard for conversations and relationships between other human beings in your vicinity, whether physical or virtual.

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