Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Nail Color – Almost Instant…

Smudging drying nail polish is one of the greatest inconveniences that comes with doing my nails. Not only do I get the surface I smudge against covered in a hard-to-remove coating of polish, it is now necessary to redo that nail because as hard as I may try, getting it to pre-smudge perfection is pretty impossible. If only there was a way to get the polish to dry quicker!

With this mindset, I was understandably very excited to find out about Sally Hansen Insta-Dri polish. I got myself a nice pink color from Target and was ready to check out its promise of fast drying powers.

I applied a coat to all my nails and feeling very hopeful, went to close and put away the bottle. During this process I somehow managed to get one of my nails smudged on the lid. I was clearly disappointed, but in my subsequent experiments, I was still happy to find that the polish dries faster than normal polishes, just not as instantly as I thought. I am looking forward to greater instantaneousness in their future products!

insta dri
Sally Hansen Insta-Dri – $4.09