Business Casual Black Blazer/Jacket

A simple black blazer/jacket has been my most often worn article of clothing, at work and at different semi-formal events. It goes with almost everything, keeps you warm, and makes you look instantly more sophisticated!

These blazers/jackets are available in a lot of stores for very good prices. Kohl’s has some in the $30-$50 range, and H&M and Forever 21 have been lately having a lot more options too.

H&M Black Blazer - $34.95
H&M Black Blazer – $34.95

Survival Strategy #2 – Habits

Usually, we associate the word “habits” with poor ones – drinking too much coffee, eating too much sweets, and so on. What worked for me is realizing that habits can be good and the best part is that habits intrinsically have their own momentum that will keep you doing them even if you’re not consciously aware.

This fact is especially great when it comes to things like exercise and healthy eating. It’s important to take small steps and even more important to forgive yourself and keep trying if you fail initially before the good habits take effect, which will encourage you to be willing and try again until they eventually do.

Small steps are a great way to build habits. For example, you can do 5-10 minutes of stretches after you wake up and before you go to work. This small amount of exercise won’t take too much effort on an everyday basis, but the results add up and the results are what keep you wanting to keep doing it. Eventually, this consistency becomes a self-sustaining habit, making your life much simpler when you don’t need to remind yourself to do it – your body will have that muscle memory going already and the results will keep showing up (more energy and being more alert when you continue with your day after stretching).

Similarly with healthy eating and other good life skills, small steps will help you evaluate what is important, what works, what doesn’t, and what you need to adjust without getting overwhelmed at the initial stages. Eventually, your mind and body will get used to that regime and it will not be as difficult.

Keep up the good habit-forming behavior! It might take a few days, or weeks, or months, but you will get there!

happy face exercise

Business Casual Shoes!

If you have been given certain creative freedom to dress yourself within the business casual range, if you’re like me – you will struggle.

The clash between comfort and style have been an ongoing battle for me for as long as I can remember. After about 4 years of searching for appropriate (and multi-seasonal!) footwear, I finally found these cute and comfy booties that can be worn pretty much year round.

Heels have been a big ouch for as long as I can remember, but the ones on these booties are chunky, which makes them very stable, and not too high (about 3 inches). Flats have been my go-to work footwear, but they don’t cover enough and offices tend to get chilly if your work keeps you sitting down for almost the entire time.

In summary, these booties represent an excellent answer to multiple issues I have had with shoes! And a HUGE plus – they’re only $29.99. They’re called Quilted Touch Ankle Boots and you can get them from Styles For Less.

If you’re also suffering from shoe-related woes and are ready to try something new, you can can check these out here.
